Carolin-Therese Wolff
Communication Consultant
& Presentation Trainer
Copenhagen, DK
Carolin-Therese Wolff
& Præsentationstræner
København, DK
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Carolin-Therese Wolff
& Præsentationstræner
København, DK
About Carolin
Carolin has a holistic approach in working with communication: she focuses on rhetorics, voice control, modulation and articulation, body language and body posture, micro facial expressions and not least the right mindset.
Carolin has more than 10 years of experience in giving individual coachings, workshops and courses. She has been working with journalists, actors, CEOs and young business professionals and has helped them improve their communication skills and build a successful career.
She is the author of the audio book "Maori myths and legends" and the audio play "Die Räuber Remixed". Carolin has written, recorded and produced several other audio plays and podcasts, is a professional audio book narrator and is the host and producer of the radio show "Volta".
She was born in Berlin and has lived in Australia and New Zealand before she settled in Copenhagen.